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Adult Ballet & Teen Drop-Ins

Adult Ballet

Adults wishing to attend ballet class should choose from our Adult Ballet class options.  The Adult Ballet Program is suitable for ages 16+.  These classes are purchased via class card or payment per class via drop in rate.

Teen Drop-Ins

Please email Cal Pac directly to inquire about your child attending class on a drop in basis.  Our drop in students must be at least 13 years of age.  Level and class placement will be determined on an individual basis, taking dancer experience and class availability into consideration.  


These classes are designed for dance team students looking to fulfill their ballet technique requirements, for dancers who participate in several forms of dance but would like to enhance their classical ballet technique, or for teens with a strong foundation of ballet training and experience who would like to take class on a recreational basis.  


Please note:

If these students wish to dance en pointe, they should be consistently taking two pointe classes per week.  If your child does not wish to dance en pointe, there are not any minimum requirements and they may attend class as little or as frequently as they would like.


These classes are purchased via class card or payment per class via drop in rate.

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